Λίστα Αποστολών
Αναθεώρηση ως προς 15:25, 2 Απριλίου 2011 από τον LadyInRed (Συζήτηση | συνεισφορές) (Νέα σελίδα με '{{Subpage|Metin2Wiki}} {{Interwiki|de=Liste_der_Quests|en=|dk=|nl=|it=Lista_delle_Missioni|cz=|ru=Список_квестов|fr=|es=|pl=Lista_misji|tr=|gr=}...')
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General information
Quests are orders of NPCs (Non Player Characters). If one player fullfills a task he gets a reward in the form of Items, Yang, EXP, or other things. A player can recieve Quests in 5 diferent ways:
- Scroll at the left edge of screen (Automatically)
- Arrow over the NPC plus marking on the mini map and map
- No notification; in this case the player must go to the NPC and start the quest
- By activating certain Items (e.g.: Mission books - > see Missionbooks quests).
- Horse development quests, (Horsequest), are activated at the Stable Boy.
The Quests can be quite simple, (Examle: Kill 9 game dogs) or, on the other hand, quite complex and lead you through several NPCs. Some Quests are available only after reaching a certain level.
According to Metin2 support it's also possible that some Quests don't emerge to every player.